v.5 released!

Optimize AEC Workflows with Drone-based Sensing and Atlas Data Insight

Add value to each phase of the construction

GPR, Echo sounder, Magnetometer and Atlas software
Planning & Design
  • Better decision making
  • More accurate project cost estimation
  • Foresee problems
  • Reduce environmental impact
  • Design foundations
  • Survey the site conditions
  • Complement traditional survey
  • Locate existing infrastructure
  • Win projects with viable solution at the bid stage
Earth Works
  • Calculate cut & fill
  • Calculate Soil compaction
  • Get Profiling
Construction Monitoring
  • Coordinate work parties
  • Resolve disputes
  • H&S compliance
  • Enhance communication between pilots, surveyors, engineers and architects
As-built documentation
  • Document as-built on site
  • Overlay CAD design drawings comply with QA/QC

Planning & Design

Improve Construction Planning and Design with Drone Sensor Data


  • More accurate project cost estimation
  • Foresee problems underground
  • Reduce environmental impact
  • Win projects with viable solution at the bid stage
  • Design foundations
  • Survey the site conditions
  • Complement traditional survey
  • Locate existing infrastructure
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Use Case

Accurate Gas line detection and mapping | GPR

  • Connexus Baltic Grid
  • To determine the location and depth of the GAS pipelines in sandy soil
  • The area was difficult to access for terrestrial methods and traditional survey methods were not efficient. Drone-based technology allowed for 3x faster data collection. Flight automation and precise survey lines resulted for better data interpretation.


Exploit drone-based sensor data for pre-construction insights and post-completion validation


  • Detect sub-surface inconsistencies or structures that may affect earthwork processes. Quick identification of potential issues, such as voids or water tables
  • Use as a dredging work validation and QC tool to determine the water depth and correct amount of completed works are reported
  • Locate buried ferrous objects which may affect excavation or other earthwork activities. Can detect pipes, cables, or other buried infrastructure
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Use Case

Harbour dredging | Echo Sounder

  • Undisclosed
  • To determine the depth of seabed after dredging. Compliance with Port Authorities
  • Quality control after routine dredging operations. No other efficient solution to measure depth in between port piers. Drones can provide more accurate data than ships, as they are not affected by waves or currents. This can help to ensure that dredging operations have been carried out as agreed.

Use Case

UXO clearance before earth works | Magnetometer

  • Undisclosed
  • Identify unexploded ordinances to safely execute soil remediation operations
  • Drone-based magnetometer helped to identify and locate buried UXO, allowing for their safe removal and reducing the risk of digging accidents and project delays during the excavation phase.

Construction Monitoring

Use drone sensor data to monitor construction and avoid expensive rework


  • Coordinate work parties, Resolve disputes, H&S compliance & Enhance communication
  • Monitor subsurface changes during construction
  • Identify problems early, reducing the risk of costly disruptions
  • Monitor the depth and characteristics of water in marine construction projects
  • Monitoring of underwater structures or geologic features
  • Monitor changes in the location or characteristics of buried ferrous objects during construction
  • Can help identify issues early, reducing the risk of disruptions due to unexpected buried objects
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Use Case

Quality control of Retaining walls | GPR

  • Construction Company
  • To determine the depth of retaining wall blocks used
  • GPR solution allowed for non-destructive way for quality control. With drone-based GPR system it was possible to determine the as-built and validate it against design specifications eliminating the need for manned access at height. Complete elimination of test bore holes.GPR solution allowed for non-destructive way for quality control. With drone-based GPR system it was possible to determine the as-built and validate it against design specifications eliminating the need for manned access at height. Complete elimination of test bore holes.

As-built documentation

Achieve Powerful Insights and Seamless Documentation with Drone based sensors


  • Document as-built on site, Overlay CAD design drawings & comply with QA/QC
  • Can provide comprehensive data for project documentation
  • Used for surveying underwater structures after construction
  • Can verify the depth of buried objects or the depth of water in a given area
  • Can verify the presence or absence of buried ferrous objects
  • Can provide data for project documentation regarding buried metallic structures
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