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UgCS used to search missing people in Spain

UgCS: Flight Planning & Control
April 21, 2021

April 21, 2021 - Riga, Latvia - The Spain-based Civil Solidarity Guards Association, one among the main search and rescue units with UAS, opts for UgCS to carry out tasks of searching for people, UAS aerial surveys or different police investigations. UgCS allows drone pilots to perform search and rescue tasks working from a distance and obtaining a high-resolution photographic survey of an area with a potentially missing person.

7 drone pilots of the Civil Solidarity Guards Association work as Civil Guards, Military Personnel, Security Personnel or Countrymen, all of them have to pass a training course with different subjects, they have to know how to work alone or in groups. They are able to manage an advanced command post, to remotely control and monitor volunteers, to launch an underwater inspection ROV, to work with different surveying tools or to program search missions through UgCS flight control software. As of today, more than 70 real operations have been carried out by these men and they continue to work on developing new and exciting challenges.

‘Speed and effectiveness are of great importance in our work and after putting some flight software to the test, we decided on UgCS, since it allows us to work from a distance, send search and rescue jobs to pilots who are hundreds of kilometers away and even alternate it with other surveying applications,’ José Cabrera Sánchez, President of the AGCS and Director of Operations, explains.

‘In Spain, we have used many hours of training, travel, operations and a large capital investment to be able to offer our contribution in the search devices for people missing for no apparent reason. UgCS offers us a whole world of possibilities to develop this work, and make it easier and more effective. In just 10 minutes we were able to obtain a high-resolution photographic survey of an area where we were looking for a person in a simulation,’ he adds.

From a distance and from a PC a drone pilot can carry out multiple programming, for one operator or several, the example images shows how a large area has been divided into sectors, which have then been sent to UgCS, generating seven different missions. Once the files are saved as KML, they have been sent to UgCS, generating seven different missions that will in turn be sent to the pilots for their photographic survey.


About the Civil Solidarity Guards Association

The Civil Solidarity Guards Association ( is based in Spain and carries out humanitarian aid tasks wherever it is needed, among its tasks are to provide humanitarian aid, having managed to distribute the amount of 375 tons in a few years and moving to distant places such as Kosovo, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nepal, Honduras, Philippines, countries hit by war or after a natural disaster. Its Board of Directors is made up of Civil Guards on active duty, a Spanish Police force, who develop all their aid campaigns in their free time and without charging any amount for it, they belong to the Civil Guard Volunteer Service, and are members of the Spanish, Andalusian and International Agencies, in collaboration for development. Another of its missions is to collaborate with the Authorities and emergency teams by providing its own air resources and highly qualified pilots to carry out the tasks of searching for people, UAS aerial surveys or different police investigations. They also carry out training activities aimed at rescue personnel and make their own work method, developed in real scenarios, which, added to their professional experience, make their work quick and practical.

About UgCS

UgCS ( by SPH Engineering ( is globally known UAV mission planning and flight control software solution. Over the last seven years, the software has been constantly advanced to meet the demands of drone pilots and professional surveyors globally. Developed in the EU, the solution has become a world-famous unified mission planner for all popular UAV platforms. Today, it is used in 150+ countries in a wide range of areas including environmental, archeological, engineering & mining, agricultural and biological. The UgCS Educational program aims to support universities with a safe and efficient tool to test innovative ideas involving surveying and inspecting with a drone.