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Platinum Fireworks introduces drones to firework displays

Drone Show Technologies
November 14, 2019

Riga, Latvia - November 14, 2019 - As fireworks display organizers seek new ways to surprise their audiences, integrating drones into their shows has become a natural choice

Platinum Fireworks is a leading creator of firework displays in the Philippines, enjoying global industry acclaim for the intricate pyromusical shows they present at the biggest firework festivals around the world. Keeping track of the latest developments in the industry, Platinum Fireworks took the strategic decision to become the first firework display company in the Philippines to introduce drones into their shows.“We are always curious to try out emerging technologies before they become the new industry standard. The first time we saw a drone show we were like ‘wow! We have to do this!’” says Patrice Guy, director of Platinum Fireworks. He points out that drones and fireworks are the perfect match for a spectacular show, as both contribute to creating a carefully choreographed spectacle in the air.To achieve a smooth integration of drone choreography with fireworks, the company chose Drone Show Software by SPH Engineering, the only commercially available solution developed specifically for drone show management. “Thanks to Drone Show Software and the training provided by SPH Engineering, we can now control our own drone swarms, taking our pyromusical displays to the next level” shares Patrice.

Along with providing a mandatory five-day training course, SPH Engineering also assisted Platinum Fireworks in choosing the most appropriate drones and supervised the first show for safety.

“We are excited to be at the forefront of a true revolution in the fireworks business. The success of Platinum Fireworks has confirmed what we knew long ago — that in the events and entertainment industry, drones offer a safe, easy, and cost-efficient way to go from great to the greatest” says Jānis Ķuze, Sales Director at SPH Engineering. He notes that just twenty drones are enough for clients to start designing even spectacular standalone drone shows, not to mention integrating drones with firework displays.

In drone-enhanced fireworks displays, the audience will most often see the copters as bright LED lights dancing in sync with the music and pyrotechnics. However, it is also possible to assign drones a payload of fireworks, turning them into flying launchpads. For now, Platinum Fireworks are sticking with LED lights, while simultaneously assisting the Philippines authorities in developing drone-related legislation.

Creating displays for events with up to 35'000 attendees, Platinum Fireworks says that the drones are always a success with the audiences. Every time the swarm in the sky produces a recognizable shape, such as a sponsor’s logo, the crowd roars with excitement. It is possible to create such an effect with as few as twenty drones, by involving a team of five skilled professionals: one choreographer, two pilots, and two engineers. The value of the unique experience drones bring to event audiences far exceeds the moderate investment they require, offering vast business opportunities for agile industry players.


About Platinum FireworksPlatinum Fireworks, Inc. (PFI) is an award-winning firework display company based in the Philippines. A fourth-generation business, the corporation adheres to a value-based approach, creating internationally acclaimed pyromusical displays and delivering fireworks products of exceptional quality. The company is a regular participant and prize-winner at prestigious fireworks festivals in Canada, France, Belgium, Poland, the Czech Republic, Australia, China, and the Philippines.
Patrice Guy, Director

About SPH Engineering / DroneShowSoftware
Drone Show Software allows anyone with drones, ambition, and a choreographer to create mind-blowing drone shows. As well as the excitement and novelty, the benefits of drone shows include easy scalability and integrability with other show elements. SPH Engineering is the world’s premier software developer and integration services provider for unmanned systems based in Riga, Latvia.

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