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Drone shows as #marketinginthesky tool | Experience of marketing directors

Drone Show Technologies
January 26, 2021

Night sky could be a great marketing space if it is lit up with drones to perform branding ideas. Drone Show Software (DSS) team performed its first #marketinginthesky project back in 2018 to visualise UgCS brand with 20 drones.

Since then DSS team has improved its technology a lot supporting clients’ brand communication tasks with drone shows up to 300 drones. We have talked to a couple of marketing people who opted for a drone show as a WOW-marketing tool and learnt their drone show experience for business purposes.

Baiba Armana
Marketing Director at Sports Complex ‘333’, Latvia (EU)
Initiated a drone show at a drag race award ceremony in Oct 2020

We always need some show elements since we not only have race participants but also visitors. And to make the event more colorful and complete we are always using some additional show elements. It was the first time at the drag race award ceremony when we tried a drone show. The impression was just “wow”. There was definitely a “wow” effect! The show elements were designed according to the theme of the event. Since it was a drag race, the fact that there was a car, a speedometer, a finish flag, it all completed the event that we had.

‘333’ logo visualized with drones was a special moment and it’s also something very personal for a business to see their logo in the sky on a large scale. You just can’t stay indifferent about it.

We could say that the announcement of a drone show helped us to attract more visitors. We were consciously building the event with the idea that men might be more oriented towards the cars and the drag race part and we thought that maybe for the families a drone show might be an additional bonus, definitely.

Seçil Koçoğlu
Marketing Director at IT company NGN, Turkey
Used a drone show for the Star of Bosphorus data center launch in 2018

I remember the first time I saw a drone show some years ago. It was designed with a few drones yet, but it looked very different and high-tech to me. Multiple drones equipped with LED lights, all programmed to fly in a coordinated fashion for a public display. I was impressed with the idea. When we were in the planning stage of our Star of Bosphorus data center launch in 2018 as the most advanced data center in Turkey with its technology, we wanted it to be notable.

Just 2 weeks before the launch, we asked our partner SPH Engineering to design a special drone show for the event. They designed an impressive show with our company logos with very remarkable and beautiful lightning effects. The synchronisation of the drones and the lighting transitions were quite striking. It was really different from conventional event elements.

We presented the show as ‘live’ from Riga, Latvia, and projected to our big screens in Istanbul, Turkey. The audience, our actual and potential customers, business partners, press, enjoyed the show, they were very impressed. There was a lot of talk about the show following the event.

I would highly recommend the use of drone shows as a marketing tool to my peers in the world. Drone performances add a unique element to events, leaving audiences amazed, inspired and with lasting memories.

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