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Civil+Structural Engineer | Reid Hu’s “After the Mudslide” Wins 2021 Engineering Drone Video of the Year

SPH Engineering
July 5, 2021

Article by Luke Carothers

The 2021 Engineering Drone Video of the Year Contest (EDVY)  reached new heights this year with 68 videos entered from across the globe.  With more than 14,300 votes cast during the initial voting round, the competition was stiffer than ever.  Three finalists emerged from this intense voting period: “Bois d’Arc Lake Project” by Freese and Nichols, “Interstate 74 Bridge Corridor” by IMEG Corp, and “After the Mudslide” by Reid Hu. In addition, this year featured an inaugural partnership with SPH Engineering who offered several impressive prize packages to the top three finishers that included their flagship software.

The final round consisted of a review from our prestigious panel of judges.  After much deliberation and intense discussion, the panel came to the conclusion that Reid Hu’s “After the Mudslide” is the unanimous winner of the 2021 Engineering Drone Video of the Year Contest.

Hu, a student from the Pacific Northwest in the United States, was drawn to shoot his project through family ties.  His uncle worked as a structural engineer on the project, and he approached Reid about flying his drone through the building.  Reid jumped at the chance, and, ever mindful of the power of storytelling, seized the opportunity to incorporate cinematic elements to contextualize the project. 

Read the full article on Civil+Structural Engineer Magazine »»»
