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Business Partner Magazine | Drone Shows to Become a New Niche for Event SMEs in Post-Pandemic World

SPH Engineering
June 26, 2020

Article by Alexey DOBROVOLSKIY, CTO, and Co-Founder at SPH Engineering.

The drone show industry is one of the youngest but probably one of the most prospective types of entertainment in the post-pandemic world. Drones bring completely new opportunities to event businesses and to the entertainment industry in general thanks to its most appreciated advantage: drone shows can be enjoyed from distance. What many don’t seem to realize is how affordable drone shows can be. An event agency can enhance its portfolio with futuristic aerial performances with as few as 20 copters. 

2016 could be marked as the first milestone for the drone show industry when 500 of the drones designed by Intel were used in a light show to set the new Guinness World Record for the “Most Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously”. Since then drone shows have appeared at the Olympics, the Super Bowl, Coachella festival, Cirque du Soleil performances, and many other landmark events: state, corporate and private. Such shows are associated with large scope and, as a result, huge investment. 

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