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DroneGIS (prev.ATLAS) Update | Quick sharing 2D & 3D views

Data Processing & Custom Development
December 16, 2022

New features released for Version 2022.12.3! Try "Share" button, and upload FBX and Obj files.

New features

  • Quick sharing of a preconfigured view for registered and anonymous users. 2D and 3D views now have a “Share” button. Sharable link memorizes zoom level, camera orientation, enabled layers, and measurements, so the external viewer gets the same picture as you do.
  • 3D model import implemented for FBX and Obj files. Obj files which have external resources have to be packed along with .mtl and texture files into a Zip archive before uploading. FBX can be uploaded as is. Both Obj and FBX models do not have a georeferencing internally, so X(or longitude), Y(or latitude) and Z to be specified manually. Hints where to find georeferencing information in case of Pix4D Mapper and DJI Terra will follow in next releases.
  • ATLAS logo was replaced with a new one

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix: Pix4D Engine SDK pipeline was wrong and skipped densification step, which led to poor stitching quality
  • Fix: Korean calendar has shown 1970 year sometimes
  • Fix: Orthomosaics tiling sometimes hangs in case of a large Geotiff (>5Gb)
  • Fix: Annotations export to GeoJSON generates wrong file extensions
  • Fix: GeoJSON import sometimes hangs during file uploading

Known issues and future improvements

  • Public projects allow viewing but not downloading data for anonymous users. A separate switch enabling data downloading for a project to be added in next December's release
  • 3D models are not tiled, thus making the first loading on the map longer than it should be
