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ATLAS Update | Organize task management for groups of pilots

Data Processing & Custom Development
May 28, 2021

To improve your teamwork, we tailored ATLAS workflows to manage data acquisition tasks for multiple surveys within groups of pilots. Also, we added more tools to store, visualize and measure point clouds both with and without georeferencing, as well as point clouds with and without RGB color.

Task management in ATLAS

ATLAS helps organize the teamwork of a group of pilots. Distribute survey tasks, track work statuses and store the survey results in a project folder, accessible for your whole team.

  • The manager can assign a survey as a task to a specific pilot in your team and define the deadline. A survey can have three statuses: ”To Do”, “In Progress”, “Done”.
  • Once the task is created, the pilot receives an email notification about the new survey to be done. All notification emails for the task contact a direct link to a survey project in ATLAS. Following this link, the pilot accesses the survey folder and can browse the attachments (survey missions can also be uploaded as attachments) and upload the acquired images back to ATLAS for further processing.
  • Pilots can get quick access to their surveys with “To Do” and “In Progress” statuses in the “My active surveys” tab on the start screen. Surveys with the status “Done” disappear automatically from the task list of the pilot, though remain accessible in a respective survey project.
  • When the pilot changes the status, the manager (the user who created the survey task) receives the email notification.

Point clouds

We have significantly reworked 3D point cloud support and enabled users to store, visualize and measure point clouds both with and without georeferencing, as well as point clouds obtained from any sensor, with and without RGB color.

  • Go to “Point clouds” tab of the survey to upload point cloud files.
  • Click on the file record to viewpoint cloud without georeferencing instantly. Multiple files can be selected and open in the same viewer.
  • Add point clouds with georeferencing to a 3D map by clicking “Add to map” in the context menu of the point cloud file.
  • Supported files: LAS, LAZ, and XYZ files from photogrammetry processors and LIDARs.

3D data visualization

2D DXF visualization on the 3D landscape in ATLAS enables a comparison of design plans and the current state of the construction site. Now it works even on large files 100+Mb.

Improvements in the user interface

  • To align with a more commonly used term in the industry, we renamed “datasets” to “surveys”.
  • We moved “Processing tasks” and “Detectors” from the start screen to the#nbsp;“Manage organization section”because most users gave them low priority in regular operations.