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DroneGIS (prev.ATLAS) Update | 20.10.2020

Data Processing & Custom Development
October 20, 2020

New features released! Try support for one-band GeoTiffs, True DSM generation, and Export reports to PDF.

The latest update of ATLAS brings increased overall stability and new functionality:

Added support to one-band GeoTiffs with a pseudocolor table.

ATLAS is capable to visualize such maps to detect objects

Change report for a working area.

Tracking the changes between different dates for the same geographical area is made easy:#nbsp;

  • Draw a working area
  • Open it’s context menu
  • Click “Show change report”.

Plus - it's possible to export the report into a nice looking PDF.

True DSM generation

Elevation sometimes contains unwanted objects preventing proper volume measurements, e.g. sand piles can have an excavator on top. Now it is possible to interpolate elevation within a polygon. The polygon can be added manually or by object detection AI. Function is available from elevation geotiff context menu DEM interpolation.

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