v.5 released!
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ATLAS Update | 16.09.2020

Data Processing & Custom Development
September 16, 2020

Hola and 你好! Atlas now supports Spanish and Chinese languages!

Let's celebrate some major updates for ATLAS!

  • Hola and 你好! Atlas now supports Spanish and Chinese languages. To select language click the top right button and select “Change language”
  • The working area can display its size and for each object within the area, its count, size, and percentage of the occupied area. This is very useful for e.g a quick analysis of the impact of the weed on the agricultural field
Image 1. Working area window
  • “Attachments” section introduced for Datasets (left vertical bar) to save relevant files (Excel, CSV, Word, Pdf, Video) for the survey. Use it when sharing data among team members and for historical analysis
  • ATLAS can now properly vectorize objects with “geometrical rings”, e.g. fully connected networks of roads, rivers, etc
  • The upload of GeoTiff with elevation data and alignment to the map is enabled
Image 2. Upload geoTiff with elevation
  • The elevation can be visualized as a heatmap with different color schemes (BlueRed and Grayscale). It is also possible to adjust the range of visible altitudes
Image 3. ATLAS visualising elevations as heat map

If you don’t detect any changes in your ATLAS, please Press Refresh (Ctrl+F5/cmd+R) in the browser. If you encounter any issues or have questions or suggestions, please let us know by sending a message to
